BTB Elbow Infinity

What you need

Hoop and Clothing suggestions for this video course

  • 1 hoop, any size.

  • Close-fitting clothes - nothing the hoop can catch on the sides. A T-shirt is fine but not too baggy as the hoop can get caught while you're learning.

What you will learn in this course


Donations for the class are appreciated however small.

When you donate remember to include "[your email] Elbow" with your donation.

If you don't have a Paypal but want to make a donation, please contact Emma and we can arrange for an alternate payment method.

Course Curriculum

This is a listing of the videos in this course. To access the videos click the button in the top banner.

    1. 1 : Intro & E.M.M.A.

    2. 2 : Hoop Size

    3. 3 : Warm up including BTB tips

    4. 4 : Wall Plane Weaves

    5. 5 : Outside Elbow Grab to Wall Plane Weave

    6. 6 : Wall plane weave to place on Elbow Loop

    7. 7 : Forwards Weave to Forwards Elbow Hooping Loop

    8. 8 : Forwards to Backwards Elbow Hooping

    9. 9 : Forwards Weave to Backwards Elbow Hooping

    10. 10 : Spinning Elbow to Outside Grab

    11. 11 : Outside grab from backwards elbow spin to weave

    12. 12 : Weave to Backwards Elbow Spin

    13. 13 : BTB Elbow Infinity with Fig8 at the back

    14. 14 : BTB Elbow Infinity

    15. 15 : Recap

    16. 16 : Demo

About this course

  • 16 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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