Intermediate/Advanced Twin Hooping Video Course
with Emma Kenna
Butterfly Weaves & Thread The Needle
Forwards 3 Beat Weave - See my Youtube tutorial or 4 week course
Reverse 3 Beat Weave - See my Youtube tutorial or 4 week course
£15 for the class
17.50EUR | 21.25USD | 27.50AUD | 25.70CAD | 78AED | 19.10CHF | 69ILS | 175.50SEK | 176.50NOK
Course Content:
In this video course you will learn 2beat and 3beat Butterfly Weaves.
The full 3beat movement is an advanced trick so it's you will need to drill each step.
Bonus content: Forwards & Reverse Archer Weaves, moving in and out of Thread the Needles and CAP/butterfly weave combo.
WARM UP before starting the classes.
Follow along with the classes and pause and practice whenever you need to.
TOP TIP: Have a playlist of your favourite music ready so you can pause and practice as you do the class :)
Sign up here to get the access to the class videos
Includes lifetime access to the whole class video and individual step videos
Pay in Full
Course Curriculum
This is a listing of the videos in this course. To access the videos click the button in the top banner.
Warm Up - please do at least this minimum warm up
1. Single Hoop Forwards (Over Under Back)
2. Forward 3-Beat Weave
3. Forward Archer Weave
1. Single Hoop Backwards (Over Under Back)
2. Bwds/Rev 3-Beat Weave
3. Bwds/Rev Archer Weave
1. 2-Beat Butterfly Weaves
2. Incorporating 2-Beat Butterfly Weaves
3. CAPs and Butterfly Weaves
1. Forwards Thread The Needle
2. Forwards Thread The Needle with Thumb Spins
3. RIGHT hand OVER INTO Forwards TTN - 'Standard' entry
4. LEFT hand OVER INTO Forwards TTN - 'Standard' entry
5. RIGHT hand UNDER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Standard' Fwd TTNexit
6. LEFT hand UNDER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Standard' Fwd TTN exit
7. RIGHT hand UNDER INTO Forwards TTN - 'Irregular' entry
8. LEFT hand UNDER INTO Forwards TTN - 'Irregular' entry
9. RIGHT hand OVER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Irregular' Fwd TTN exit
10. LEFT hand OVER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Irregular' Fwd TTN exit
1. Reverse Thread The Needle
2. Reverse Thread The Needle with Thumb Spins
3. LEFT hand UNDER INTO Rev TTN - 'Standard' entry
4. RIGHT hand UNDER INTO Rev TTN - 'Standard' entry
5. LEFT hand OVER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Standard' Rev TTN exit
6. RIGHT hand OVER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Standard' Rev TTN exit
7. LEFT hand OVER INTO Rev TTN - 'Irregular' entry
8. LEFT hand UNDER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Irregular' Rev TTN exit
9. LEFT hand UNDER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Irregular' Rev TTN exit - REDUCED
10. RIGHT hand UNDER and OUT to Hand Spins - 'Irregular' Rev TTN exit

About this course
- Free
- 54 lessons
- 5 hours of video content