Subscription Access of The Crotch Extravaganza!
Created in 2011 this course is still jam packed with tricks you will love to learn! wedgies, rolls, walk the dog, slams and more.... Please note that the 'All the Tricks' pack includes this and more.
Vid 1_ Introduction - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 2_ Walk the Dog - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 3a_ Crotch Rolls - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 3b_ Roll variations - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 3c - Roll variatons - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 3d_ Roll Variations - Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 4_ Wedgie Flip - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 5a_ Wedgies 1 - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 5b_ Wedgies 1 - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 5c_ Wedgies 1 - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 6a_ Wedgies 2 - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 6b_ Wedgies 2 - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 7a_ Wedgie Pick ups - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 7b_ Wedgie Pick ups - Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 7c_ Wedgie Pick ups - Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 7d_ Wedgie Pick ups - Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 8a_ Crotch Slams - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 8b_ Crotch Slams - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 9a_ Thigh hooping - The Crotch Extravaganza!
Vid 9b_ Thigh hooping - The Crotch Extravaganza!
The Crotch Extravaganza Online Workshop Text