Cyber SWhoop Sept 2022

Event 3 of 3

4 x hoop workshops with 4 of the world's best hoopers now available in video form!

You can sign up for the event at the top banner OR you can pay one of the lovely teachers direct and then send me a screenshot of your payment and your name and email to [email protected] :)

Workshops from:

Danielle Lee (USA)

Reni Hardmeier (Switzerland) 

Chris Gogler (Germany) ⭐

Lila Chupa-Hoops (France)


This was the 3rd event of 3!

When you buy the course you receive lifetime access to all the edited videos from the Spetember 2022 CySWhoop event!

When you buy the 3 event bundle you receive  lifetime access to all workshop videos from all the 2022 events

All Workshop Content Video

Danielle Lee- USA

⭐Break It Until You Make It⭐

Breaks are an excellent way to add rhythm and punctuation to your hoop movement. Whether you are just beginning to find break points and want a solid foundation, or are a break collector like Danielle, this workshop will tighten up your technique and leave you with new ways to send the hoop in the opposite direction.

Chris Gogler - Germany

⭐Fancy Dancy⭐

In this workshop you will learn a number of tricks and moves that focus on mixing hoop trick/tech with dance elements. Learn how to use elegance, surprise and movement of the body in combination with your hoop for a fabulous effect.

Reni Hardmeier - Switzerland

⭐Fishies and Friends ⭐

A single hoop workshop combining Fishies. Angel stall and folded hand plate spin to a smooth combo. SWISS Hoopers - PAY Reni Direct via TWINT (contact Reni for details) or using the paypal button below. 25CHF for this event only or 62CHF for all workshops from 2022 (12 hoop classes). Then send me a screenshot of payment with your name and email to [email protected]

Lila Chupa-Hoops - France

⭐Twin Hooping Front Wraps⭐

Let me show you how I use front wraps in my double hoops routine. They are a great way to frame the lower part of the body and bring the 3D effect to your twin hoopdance. Being comfortable with single hoop front wraps is better but all levels are welcomed.

Cyber SWhoop Sept 2022

Below is a list of the course content. Click the button on the top banner pic to access the videos :)

    1. Warm up with Emma Kenna WHOLE SESSION

    1. Break it until you make it! with Danielle Lee WHOLE CLASS

    2. 1 min freestyle Breaks Demo from Danielle

    1. Fishies and Friends with Reni Hardmeier WHOLE CLASS

    2. Recap of Fishies and Friends Class with Reni

    1. Fancy Dancy with Chris Gogler WHOLE CLASS

    2. Demo of Fancy dancy class content with Chris

    1. Twin Hooping Front Wraps with Lila Chupa-Hoops WHOLE CLASS

    2. Demo of Twin Hooping Front Wraps class content with Lila

    1. Flow and Jam Footage CySWSept22_FINAL

About this course

  • £22.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Book here or Pay one of the Teachers Direct

Remember you can also save money by signing up for all 3 Cyber SWhoop 2022 bundle together below!