Cyber SWhoop February 2024

Workshops from Event 2 of 3

4 x hoop workshops & 1 mini class warm up with 5 of the world's greatest hoop teachers. 

⭐ Nuria Luna Llena - Spain ⭐

⭐ Eshna Kutty - India ⭐

⭐ Maria Laura - Italy ⭐

⭐ Lee Jeffries - USA ⭐

⭐ Aneta Jokesova - Czech Republic ⭐

Here you can access 5 x video hoop workshops created  from the Cyber SWhoop Zoom live event in February 2024.

How to sign up for this event?

There are two ways. Choose either of the two.

  • Sign up with me directly

    Click on any of the buy/enroll button on this page

  • Through one of the lovely teachers

    Take a screenshot of your payment transaction and send it to me with your full name and email at [email protected]

Book your spot here or pay one of the teachers direct

Includes lifetime access to all workshop videos.

Nuria Luna Ilena - Spain

⭐ Warm Up with Nuria⭐

An eclectic warm up session with Nuria that will get your body and mind ready for your hooping session

Demo of Nuria Warm Up

  • Type of workshop: No Hoop & 1 Hoop

  • Level of the class: All levels

  • Hoop requirement: 1 hoop - your fave :)

Eshna Kutty - India

⭐ Floor Choreo / Floreos! ⭐

Indian hoopers can pay Eshna direct directly using Razorwire. ₹1800 for this event only or ₹4999 for all 3x 2024 events: 3 live Zoom events + 12 hoop workshops. Click link below for Razorpay options. Then send me a screenshot of the payment with your name and email to [email protected]. Non-Indian hoopers can also pay Eshna via Paypal using the button below.

Demo of Eshna Workshop

In this workshop, we'll explore 2-3 floor work combo transitions using a single hoop. One using a capoeira/breaking method, one that is more contemporary dance like. It's for all hooping levels but requires a tad bit of flexibility and strength.

  • Type of workshop: 1 Hoop

  • Level of the class: All levels

  • Hoop requirement: 1 hoop, preferably below 34 inches (Eshna will be teaching using a 30 inches hoop and her height is 5'3)

Mariloop - Italy

⭐ Fun Loop Combos ⭐

Creating short combos that are structured in a way that you can repeat them over and over is one of Mary's favorite techniques in learning new tricks. It's super fun and effective and in her workshop we are gonna attempt some of Mary's favorite loop combos together.

Demo of Mariloop Workshop

  • Type of workshop: 1 Hoop

  • Level of the class: All levels

  • Hoop requirement: 1 hoop, any size you are comfortable doing off-body tricks with.

Aneta Jokesova - Czech Republic

⭐ 2 Hoops Choreo for Beginners ⭐

Euro zone hoopers can pay Aneta direct via Paypal using the button below. 40€ for this event only or 98€ for all 3x 2024 events: 3 live Zoom events + 12 hoop workshops. Then send me a screenshot of the payment with your name and email to [email protected].

Demo of Aneta Workshop

Choreo is the best way to learn not just tricks but also drills, seamless transtitions, and connecting tricks. This class is begginer-friendly but there are also add-ons for advanced hoopers.

  • Type of workshop: 2 Hoops

  • Level of the class: All levels

  • Hoop requirement: 2 hoops, same size, ideally between 28-32 inches.

Lee Jeffries - USA

⭐ Pop, Lock, and Hoop it! ⭐

USA hoopers can pay Lee direct via Paypal using the button below or by Venmo @photographlee. US$45 for this event only or US$108 for all 3x 2024 events: 3 live Zoom events + 12 hoop workshops. Then send me a screenshot of the payment with your name and email to [email protected].

Demo of Lee Workshop

In this workshop, students will learn and practice techniques that will incorporate various styles and textures within their movement. This class will focus more so on movement/texture than tricks, but there will be a few combos later in class!

  • Type of workshop: 1 Hoop

  • Level of the class: Beginner/Intermediate

  • Hoop requirement: 1 hoop. Class is mostly off body so there is no size preference.

Book your spot here or pay one of the teachers direct

Includes lifetime access to all workshop videos.

Workshop Listings

This is a listing of the videos in this course. To access the videos click the button in the top banner.

    1. 1 : Intro

    2. 2 : Posture

    3. 3 : Follow the Hoop

    4. 4 : Head - Chest - Belly (Coordination Game 1)

    5. 5 : Head - Elbow - Knee (Coordination Game 2)

    6. 6 : Head - Ribs - Foot (Coordination Game 3)

    7. 7 : Follow Along with the Hoop

    8. 8 : Final Thoughts & Thank You

    9. 9 : Demo

    1. 1 : Intro & What you Need

    2. 2 : Warm Up

    3. 3 : Humpty Dumpty

    4. 4 : Rolling onto the Back using the Hoop

    5. 5 : Shoulder Stand

    6. 6 : Backwards Tumble

    7. 7 : Foot Hooping

    8. 8a : Fish Roll Technique with Right Leg Up

    9. 8b : Fish Roll Technique with Left Leg up (flipped vid)

    10. 9 : Adding the Hoop

    11. 10 : Bonus Forward Roll (advnaced)

    12. 11 : Sequence into the Fish Roll

    13. 12 : BTB Throw to Foot

    14. 13 : Recap

    15. 14 : Thank you & Group Humpty Dumpty :)

    1. 1 : Intro & What you need

    2. 2 : Folding Weave

    3. 3a : Coin Flip Toss (Right Hand)

    4. 3b : Coin Flip Toss (Left Hand - flipped vid)

    5. 4a : Barrell Roll to Elbow Break Postion (Right Hand)

    6. 4b : Barrell Roll to Elbow Break Postion (Left hand - flipped vid)

    7. 5a : Elbow Breaks (Right Arm)

    8. 5b : Elbow Breaks (Left Arm - flipped vid)

    9. 6a : Elbow Break Toss to Catch (Right Arm)

    10. 6b : Elbow Break Toss to Catch (Left Arm - flipped vid)

    11. 7a : Reverse Escalator Options (Left Hand)

    12. 7b : Reverse Escalator Options (Right Hand - flipped vid)

    13. 8a : Lift & Turn (Left Hand)

    14. 8b : Lift & Turn (Right Hand - flipped vid)

    15. 9 : Full Combo Recap & Thanks

    16. 10 : Demo of Combo both sides

    1. 1 : Intro & What you Need

    2. 2 : Warm Up & Discussion of Tension

    3. 3 : Hoop Box

    4. 4 : Foot Folds

    5. 5a : Combo to this point (Right Hand)

    6. 5b : Combo to this point (Leftt Hand - Flipped Vid)

    7. 6 : Ghost Iso to Vertical Chest Pop

    8. 7a : Antispin Pop (Clockwise iso & Left Hand Slap)

    9. 7b : Antispin Pop (Counter-clockwise iso & Right Hand Slap - flipped vid)

    10. 8a : Aeroflip Fold (Right Hand)

    11. 8b : Aeroflip Fold (Left Hand - flipped vid)

    12. 9a : Escalator to Front Pop (Right Hand)

    13. 9b : Escalator to Front Pop (Left Hand - flipped vid)

    14. 10a : Recap (Right hand)

    15. 10b : Recap (Left hand - flipped vid)

    16. 11 : Thanks

    17. 12 : Demo

    1. 1 : Intro, What you need _ Full demo of sequence

    2. 2a : Escalator to Lock _ Out (Right Hand)

    3. 2b : Escalator to Lock _ Out (Left Hand - flipped vid)

    4. 3a : Opposite Extensions (start on Right)

    5. 3b : Opposite Extensions (start on Left - flipped vid)

    6. 4a : Extension vs Z-Spin Turn (start on the right side)

    7. 4b : Extenstion vs Z-Spin Turn (start on the left side - flipped vid)

    8. 5a : Isolated Machine (left side start)

    9. 5b : Isolated Machine (right side start - flipped vid)

    10. 6a : Shoulder Folds (starting to the right)

    11. 6b : Shoulder Folds (starting to the left - flipped vid)

    12. 7a : Double Folding Isolation _ turn (turn to right)

    13. 7b : Double Folding Isolation _ turn (turn to left - flipped vid)

    14. 8a : Full sequence Runthrough from front (Right Hand start)

    15. 8b : Full sequence Runthrough from front (Left Hand start - flipped vid)

    16. 9a : Full sequence Runthrough from back (Right Hand start)

    17. 9b : Full sequence Runthrough from back (Left Hand start - flipped vid)

    18. 10a : Full sequence Runthrough with music from front (Right Hand start)

    19. 10b : Full sequence Runthrough with music from front (Left Hand start)

    20. 11a : Full sequence Runthrough with music from back (Right Hand start)

    21. 11b : Full sequence Runthrough wIth music from back (Left Hand start - flipped vid)

    22. 12 : Thank You Aneta

    23. 13 : Demo

Cyber SWhoop February 2024

  • £35.00
  • 80 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

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Includes lifetime access to the January, February and March event video classes

  • £85.00

    Cyber SWhoop 2024 - ALL 15 Workshops!

    All Cyber SWhoop 2024 Workshops - 15 x workshops from teachers around the world filmed over 3 Zoom events.
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